Fervent: A Woman's Battle Plan for Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer

Attended opening weekend of "War Room" at the invitation of friends who support Christian movies by attending opening weekends.  Priscilla Shirer, author of "Fervent" co-stars as Elizabeth, a wife who becomes bitter at her inattentive husband and is challenged to fervent prayer as the answer. Although the movie at times fell victim to the plight of many Christian movies, too much miraculous recovery that does not portray real life; the movie was enjoyable with the humor of prayer warrior, Miss Clara.  Then, I attended The Fervent Tour live event with Priscilla Shirer that knocked my socks off.   Priscilla was focused on prayer, having attendees pray for one another for the first hour of the event before even beginning to share her message. Her spoken message was powerful; very honest and engaging. So with this background, I was anticipatory towards reading her book entitled "Fervent: A Woman's Battle Plan for Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer."  So why did the book fall flat for me?  Why did I struggle my way through the book, taking forever to finish it?  I am a fast reader and if I am engaged in a book, I usually fly through it and sometimes read it again or journal from it.  But this book left me lacking.  The author had good points.  Her sharing seemed genuine and the struggles she described are certainly real.  And I absolutely believe that we engage in spiritual warfare and prayer is one of our most effective weapons.  I think that possibly the book was just too directive for me.  Maybe too much like a lecture with a specific assignment.  Maybe I just cannot imagine posting prayer cards all over my house.  I really don't know but for me the book fell flat and did not meet my expectations.  Thinking it was just me, I checked in with my friend who had attended the events mentioned above with me and she indicated she was only able to get through a few chapters of "Fervent" before she lost interest.